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Two Students from the Faculty of Industrial Technology Won 1 Gold Medal and 1 Silver Medal from the International Innovation and Invention Competition in Taiwan.

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2019-11-21 14:58:04

Two Students from the Faculty of Industrial Technology Won 1 Gold Medal and 1 Silver Medal from the International Innovation and Invention Competition in Taiwan.

The students from the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, won 1 gold medal and 1 silver medal from competing the innovation, research, invention and creativity in the international level in the “International Innovation and Invention Competition 2019 (IIIC 2019)” organized during 13-14 November 2019 at Taipei Ambassador Hotel, Taiwan. In this competition, more than 400 projects under the support of Association of Thai Innovation and Invention Promotion (ATIP) as well as Research and Development Institute in Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University were submitted. The rewards which the Faculty of Industrial Technology received including:

Mr. Narensoon Promsaeng, the student from the Branch of Printing Design, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, led by Teacher Patinya Sang-aroon, the advisor, won the gold medal by the project of Thai rice packaging design (Chow Na Know).

Mr. Sukit Jongkanjanasunthon, the student from the Department of Industrial Design, Faculty of Industrial Technology, Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University, led by Assistant Professor Somsakul Jerasilp and Assistant Professor Dr. Suraphan Rattanavadi, the advisor, won the silver medal by the project of designing Kahong from the color-pencil leftovers (Smart Kahong)

Accordingly, Assistant Professor Dr. Palang Wongtanasuporn, the Dean of the Faculty of Industrial Technology, as well as Assistant Professor Dr. Suwaree Yordchim, the Director of Research and Development Institute, encouraged the students and teachers who participated in this competition.
