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Student product design model 11, currently owns the business. Design souvenirs for export to Japan

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2021-05-11 00:41:19

Hello IDP People, we have disappeared since the closing of applications for the 1st round of Portfolio earlier this year. But will return to accept applications again in the 3rd round of admission and the fourth round to receive direct, independent, can follow the news on this page We will update it all the time.

As for today, I would like to introduce one of the proud senior alumni. Student product design model 11, currently owns the business. Design souvenirs exported to Japan, such as jewelry. Licensed products such as cloth masks, baseball team, football team, anime, Japanese mascot, graphic design. Corporate image, logo, theme

 "Working in the design for good results Having to go through hours of work harder than the competition. Studying in this field Has been through thinking and practicing Help us to have a design process that is ready to work. ”Let's study together.
