Home > News > Official News > Robot Engineering and Smile Riders Co., Ltd. have taken the filming of the program "Class One Than I - Dream You" which airs every Saturday at 4:30 p.m. on ALTV, Channel 4, Learn Fun (Thai PBS) )
Robot Engineering and Smile Riders Co., Ltd. have taken the filming of the program "Class One Than I - Dream You" which airs every Saturday at 4:30 p.m. on ALTV, Channel 4, Learn Fun (Thai PBS) )

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2022-05-11 12:23:36

April 8, 2022 Robot Engineering Department and Smile Riders Co., Ltd. have filmed the program "Class One in Me-Fun You" which airs every Saturday at 4:30 p.m. on ALTV Channel 4. Fun Learning TV (Thai PBS) with a program format that focuses on information on education and career programs. For high school students
