On July 26, 2024, Assistant Professor Dr. Khwanchai Sukkon, Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Faculty of Engineering and Industrial Technology, along with faculty members and representatives from the Student Council, visited the area to collect data for the project to develop student skills with the social engineering process to promote potential and increase community income by using the social engineering process to discover and extend community capital. The expected result is the creation of community innovators with public spirit and who can communicate and convey ideas effectively. The objective is to develop professional skills and social skills of students by providing students with knowledge and abilities to work with the community, developing skills in working with others, communication, and team management so that students gain experience from working in the field and participating in solving real problems, creating relationships and exchanging knowledge between students, communities, and related organizations, and helping to encourage students to invent and develop innovations that can effectively solve community problems so that students gain experience from working in the field and participating in solving real problems. They also made inventions from water hyacinth, with a lecturer from the Suk Kasem Bang Len Community, Nakhon Pathom Province, providing knowledge.