Home > News > Student News > Students in the Department of Safety Technology and Occupational Health and the field of robotics engineering Participate in the “Wake us” activity to awaken the energy of the new generation. Join in promoting health
Students in the Department of Safety Technology and Occupational Health and the field of robotics engineering Participate in the “Wake us” activity to awaken the energy of the new generation. Join in promoting health

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2023-12-26 11:08:08

Faculty of Industrial Technology students Department of Safety Technology and Occupational Health and the field of robotics engineering Participate in the “Wake us” activity to awaken the energy of the new generation. Join in promoting health. Thai Health Promotion Foundation joins forces with 4 educational institutions - new generation network. Sparkling students to social entrepreneurs Creating changes in health - quality of life, creating health in urban communities, organized by the Faculty of Public Health Thammasat University at the Health Promotion Foundation (Thai Health Promotion Foundation).
